“The sound of your exhale is pure excellence. Without it my heart is broken 1 more time”.
Category: Mental Health
What is meditation?
“So awesome to understand how completely incomplete I am. Such a beautiful possession of sorts.”
ElReco Ramon quotes…
“Summer of 2017”
Depersonalization & God…
“I wish for you also, to sit there and watch this alien entity breathe all by itself“…
“The Illusions Of Black” (Depesonalization)
“Uncontrolled as it is, the menacing alien vultures of a dormant soul’s past often present an enigma of dark obstacles unseen in dimensions parallel to a new mind released“…
“i lOVe yUo”! (Depesonalization & Depression)
“The individual was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep”.
I’m On Meds… (Depersonalization)
“I learned that everything is about consistency regarding meds. The doctor gave me meds and told me to take this however many times a day for however many days. Instead all I did was just[…]
Another DP moment…
“The untied loose ends of a shadowy past gone sideways still has it’s way with the leader whom is also an unchained follower“…
Depersonalization Statistics…
200,000. That’s the number of the people in the United States that are suffering from some level of depersonalization disorder on any given day. The course of depersonalization disorder is typically long term and is[…]
Grounding/Centering Techniques for Depersonalization and Derealization
“Half in Heaven, Half on earth”… – G h o s t So, here are some grounding/centering techniques so that no matter what you’re dealing with in life whether it’s mental or not. These techniques[…]