“Depression is an evil enigma that is capable of wrapping the soul, body, and mind in darkness with keys most of which do not fit”… ElReco Ramon Imagine the saddest feeling you’ve ever felt in[…]
Category: Mental Health
“Just Be-Ing Present Tense With Depersonalization
I was talking to a wonderful young lady a few days ago. I told her about something that made me smile. I said, ” I left out to go to work earlier this morning, and[…]
“No Friends” – Depersonalization
“I told my best friend “A” before she moved, that I was glad I didn’t spend too much time with her while she was here in NYC. Because had it been so, the pain of[…]
Rebuilt Identities… Depersonalization
“Something so real as to seem so vague has no relapse of value concerning the impact of life and trials to come”…
Soul-full-less… An account on behalf of the “soul” and “spirit”
Depersonalization – My soul became unused and truth be told something sure did pick it up and that something sure wasn’t very nice at all.
“My daily diet while coping with depersonalization, anxiety and depression
“God’s creation of dust to flesh is compartmentalized into 3 separate entities that combine as 1, the soul, the mind, and the body whom all must be nurtured consistently every day for life to fulfill[…]
“I see the unseen”… Depersonalization
The Unseen: Something so deep, vast, and complex that only God can comprehend the ins and outs regarding dimensions and avenues of the past, dreams, illusions, and perceptions of the future.
“Inisde, oUt” (Movie write up regarding depression)
“Inside, Out… You can’t see a broken mind with broken emotions”
ElReco Ramon quotes…
God heals perception. Time heals the introspect of life and patience heals the soul’s release of what’s to become.
To Be or Not To Be… (Healed)
“I didn’t know. I didn’t want to know. I just wanted to keep running until time ran out. Then again what is time and what exactly is pain again. Please remind me so I know[…]