Just Be-ing present tense with Depersonalization (1)

I noticed the interwoven tiny threads of green and orange on an Autumn leaf this morning. Those tiny threads hold that leaf together. It had crossroads and intersections within concerning it’s season of life. It swayed back & forth as if to say, “hello & goodbye”. So, I said Good Morrow and til we meet again. The small vibrant lines of colors and texture fascinated me. Once again I was reminded of the life, seasons, and the pain of others. I realized I am here now and that was all that mattered at this 1 moment in time. Be more external & present tense!

I write this to tell you that 1 of the most detrimental and deadliest patterns of any moment in the present tense is “self pity” no matter whats going on in your life. I guarantee it will bring you down and below the surface of dirt where it begins and ends. Life is vapor and every entity of it should be cherished. Even the hard times when you’re feeling lost. It is possible to be thankful in times of despair. I’m living proof.
Get out today no matter what, no matter where and explore what God has naturally given to you. That leaf is alive and the 1 line that runs through it is of purpose. HE gave us such beautiful things to admire.

“Get out your mind and into HIS”. Amen

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