Internal Poison Bust… Depersonalization & Depression


So, so, so, so, many… Depression, heartbreak, Depersonalization, Derealization, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Life.

I remember watching Family Guy once and in this scene in particular Lois had been suppressing something for many, many years. Cut to the point, it caused a tumor in her brain. I literally, almost went into a frenzy and anxiety attack because at that point my thoughts and illusions were so vivid and real that I was taking on everything I read, heard, and saw. My mind and soul were so sensitive to everything because of how wide open I was. The attacks of satin were real and still are no matter how good or bad the seasons of life are. Who would have thought an animated cartoon could have that effect on somebody’s sub-conscious.

That’s 1 of many problems when it comes to depersonalization and depression. Whatever and whomever you surround yourself around, that’s what you will take on. Or if you don’t surround yourself around anything or anyone at all, then look out! “You are headed to a very dark place”. I realized that God absolutely made us in the most perfect way possible. Our minds and bodies are of habit. If you don’t believe in what’s unseen, then I must honestly say I kinda feel sorry for you. It’s nothing personal. Have you ever noticed that when you listen to sad songs, you get sad? When you listen to songs of intimacy, you feel a certain way. When you watch something of evil and hatred, internally you’re moved to feel a way in particular inside? Well, it’s the same all around. When going through depression and depersonalization, you must be very careful what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, and who you talk to. In addition, you must not, “I REPEAT” you must not stay inside and never go out. You have to be around the stimulus of life. If you don’t, that’s how you stay stuck in that dark hole where it’s just your soul existing. It’s not a fun place to be at all, as you may already know.

The conclusion was that harboring feelings, thoughts, pain, memories, etc. can be a ticking time bomb in your heart, mind, and soul. You have to find someone to get out and talk to. You have to find places to go. Preferably with a good friend. If not, then you must be brave and go by yourself sometimes. If  you can express yourself to the source of the issue, then then that’s even better. In life we go through a lot of trials of pain. That’s just the way it is. It’s not fair and nor was it intended to be. If Jesus could do no wrong and be crucified then who are we to escape anything. When water get’s backed up in a pipe, at some point that pipe is going to bust. Emotions, thoughts, pain, past memories, and heartache are all water. You my friend are the pipe. I petition you to get out and release that water. You’ll feel so much better that you did. I didn’t say it was easy. It’s not always. But it must be done for self edification, perseverance, and the building of faith and character. I love you and have a wonderful day.

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