“Inside, Out… You can’t see a broken mind with broken emotions”
Yes, I’m on the bandwagon. This is 1 of the greatest movies I’ve seen in a long time. The contrast and conflict within the cabin of emotions is very bewildering at times. I felt that movie from beginning to end.
For me, the part that I connected to the most was identity. If you know me at this point in my life, you are not shocked I’m sure. I’m definitely the spokes person for the casualties of loss of identity at this point in my life.
I loved how the director and cast presented how when the young girl, “Riley” moved from Minnesota to San Francisco she lost a piece of herself. Just literally moments and days after she touched ground in San Francisco, destruction of the past, memories, and emotions was inevitable. Everything went hay wire and she would soon become lost in her mind. Not only that, even more impressive is that the director presented the Riley with the most important aspect of the movie. 2 of the most important emotions most of us have been given at the time of birth would become deleted. Did you know that your emotions can go dormant and be thrown into the trash bin almost never to be felt or seen again? It’s true. Joy, sadness, fear, and anger can all be obsolete. Meaning you’re a vegetable.
This brings me to the obvious. Depersonalization, depression, anxiety, and identity. I won’t expound on it too much as I already have in previous blogs.
The movie was significant to me for those reasons alone. These mental conditions are real people. Something as simple as relocation to a break up, job unemployment, abuse, etc… can leave you spiraling down this dark hole with a temporary to permanent blank look on your face a.k.a “emotion less”. People always jump to conclusions that you’re just sad or having a sad or bad moment. In their minds they say, “get over it”. Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you’ve seen the movie. Don’t miss the point. The point is that you can’t just get over it. You feelings/emotions are deleted homie. They’re gone! At the time nowhere to be found. You can’t just get up and go find them instantly. You can’t just pull up the “GPS” either and type in an address where they might be regarding relocation. It takes time. Some more time than others depending on the “whys”, beginnings, or impacts of trauma and abuse. You also may have noticed in the movie what it took to get the feelings back along with time and patience. It took love and something organic called being “organic” (huh)? Yes, that’s my point exactly. You will never understand how perfectly God made us. Never. He made us in such a way that the body and mind know the dynamics of itself so well. You’ll probably find this hard to believe. But, the body knows what to do by itself. It heals by itself in most cases. You almost don’t have to do much of anything at times but just “be”. Did you notice in the movie that the 2 emotions found their own way back without the help of the young girl. I’m sure some would argue with me. But, I must admit that’s part of my own testimony. Everything that was stripped from me when I was in the deepest part of my journey and mental conditions was replaced. And guess who replaced it? “Well, certainly not me”. I had nothing to do with where I am today as a survivor. Nothing at all.
You’ll also notice that “love” had just as much to do with Riley progress to getting back to feeling better about life. Often people assume when you’re down and out or blank of emotions that you’re sick and crazy. You’re then outcasted and alone. Riley wasn’t crazy. She was just lost, hurt, and confused. Those of us that deal with these mental issues are not all crazy or even violent for that matter. Shame on you for believing so. But, at the same time it’s not your fault. You only know what you know. It takes movies like this to clearly and hopefully elevate your train of thought and actions. My point. Love is always the answer. Love travels very far and in between. Love over powers everything. You’d be shocked at how well off those in mental institutions or not would be if they received a heavy dosage of a drug called “love” on a daily basis. It’s true. Love from others and yourself goes a long way in helping to cope with many mental conditions. Oh try on a hug or 2 also. Hugs are very potent meds to take. Unfortunately, many are afraid to hug those coping with mental conditions or just don’t care.
Remember how Riley was gradually losing implanted things that were apart of her character and identity 1 b y1? That can be tragic also. But as you can see you can redefine those things with time, patience, and love also.
Last but not least, if there’s 1 other thing you should have noticed it should be Riley’s age. If I’m correct she was around 10 or 11. That is very significant. If you haven’t figured it out yet. Once you’ve gone years and years into the late teens and adult hood without having found your identity and/or emotions, you’re usually at a higher risk of travelling a portion of life in great pain. The most important point to me was that Riley, the environment she was a product of, and family was early enough to make a quicker and easier turn around for the better. I am by no means stating that it was easy. It’s never easy. But, I am expressing that as you get older it can be even more difficult. When your emotions have been dormant for a very long time, it’s devastating to not only you but also the people you cross paths with and relationships. But you don’t know any better. When you’re in that type of pain, mental anguish, and you’re lost, you don’t have many options regarding direction and positions of behavior. Catch them when they’re young.
I often wonder about the beautiful and talented Robin Williams. Can you imagine where his emotions were? How many do you think were left by the time he decided it was time to go? What do you think might’ve happened to the things he identified with at a young age in addition to the disruption of heart and love. It happens to the best of us. To the strongest and quite often the most talented. I also have my thoughts about that.
You couldn’t see all those things going on in Riley’s mind. You can’t see what’s going on in most people’s minds nor do you know if it’s broken or not. We must all empathize with 1 another regarding the timeline on this temporary plane in these temporary bodies of flesh. Be kind and of love to all whom you come across because you never know what he or she may be going through. For all you know the person who sitting next to you on a bus or train or the person who lashes out at you may be missing 1 or 2 emotions or maybe even more. I’m just as “inside out” as they come. Help those who are not identified as “normal” feel it’s okay to be lacking and without. Because what is “normal”? What if “Inside, Out” actually is normal” Ehh?
P.S. “All Bing Bong’s don’t die. Some people hold onto their “Bing Bong. Let them be”…