

“I find it interesting the mask we as humans put on regarding the polarity of contrast and comparison in relations to borrowed time in this dimension we label “Earth”…

Many don’t comprehend the parallel between seasons and life in general. In my mid twenties was when I began to realize how life takes you through your own mental book of chapters. Some people’s books are smaller than others. Some chapters are longer than others. These chapters are filled with many test.

When I think about a tree, I think about the seasons it goes through. Have you not ever noticed the “roots” of trees that travel many distances of the timeline of life. There are trees that have outstretched even generations of humans. But, what’s fascinating to me is where it all begins. It all began with it’s roots. The foundation of the tree was the most important part of it’s existence. The stronger the foundation and the deeper the roots, the longer life span the tree will have. At some point it’s  seed was planted. It was planted and it was nurtured. The tree didn’t sprout to it’s depth, height, and width in 1 night. Nor did it in a year. It took much patience. The tree did exactly what it was supposed to do. It waited on God to manifest it’s purpose and existence.
Even more interesting is the Sequoia tree roots. Sequoia tree roots don’t grow very deep at all. But, yet the roots of it’s tree has a very sound and deep foundation. Without giving you too much of an answer for “why their roots don’t grow deep” for your own pursuit of educational purposes, let’s just say there’s a family affair going on.
Trees, flowers, plants and many other organisms go through life having to deal with fires, poisonous insecticides, high winds, brutal seasons of weather, etc… The Winter can be a brutal season indeed. In the Winter, bacteria dies. Parasites die and so do organisms. How about focusing on the visual. Leaves, flowers, plants, insects, etc… They all die. The irony is that although bacteria dies in the Winter, the Winter also simultaneously creates a platform for things to renew. Many trees, plants, and other organisms go through these brutal seasons having built a threshold, character, and perseverance to be able to deal with the next season. When you look at these trees or even areas where plants and flowers bloom, you’ll always notice the character in their body cavities. You’ll look at the lines and years of a tree or you’ll observe the lines and veins within a flower or plant. Those features are it’s wisdom, experiences, age, and perseverance.

God made us the same way. He know our beginning and our end. But, He’ll never give us more than we can handle. The Winter can be equivalent to the trials we face in life. Our trials can be very cold, dark, and bitter. Our life’s season of Winter can even leave us feeling deeply internal in comparison to cabin fever. For many, the Winter can produce a physical death or even depression. It’s not the favorite season of many. Nevertheless, it is necessary in some regions around the world. Saving the best similarity of Winter for last, Winter doesn’t last forever though. When the Winter ends, the Spring arrives. Once you’ve learned what you needed to learn in your trial, your season too will end and life will spring(no pun) forward with new goals, passions, and ambitions. Never thing of your season as the end all, be all. Yes, it can be very mental, spiritual, and heart wrenching at times. But, it’s necessary. It’s apart of the manifestation of your identity. Over and over again in life you will be pressed. You will be asked over and over again to redefine your identity, to redefine your relationships, your careers, and even your environments. You have to learn to adjust and move with life. You have to learn to just flow from 1 season to another. Always, keep in mind that patience is a key used to unlock most doors and know that with God there is not such thing as numbers, days, and times. Once you comprehend how to keep Him center and look through the eyes of the Creator, then your will find your treasure and only then will you be able to move forward and begin writing the next chapter in your life long book.

“A snowflake dies a million deaths only to return and recycle itself over and over again”…

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