“Uncontrolled as it is, the menacing alien vultures of a dormant soul’s past often present an enigma of dark obstacles unseen in dimensions parallel to a new mind released“…
Tag: suicide
“i lOVe yUo”! (Depesonalization & Depression)
“The individual was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep”.
“Just Be Water”
There’s no better moment than the silent present moment of meditation.
I’m On Meds… (Depersonalization)
“I learned that everything is about consistency regarding meds. The doctor gave me meds and told me to take this however many times a day for however many days. Instead all I did was just[…]
A day full of Depersonalization
“Today was not ordinary in the sense that I seemed out of place most of the day, today. It began this morning when I was walking my dog “Nala”. I was walking and it felt[…]
“I’d like to order just a hug please”…
Let’s say you saw someone laying in a bed and they were in a coma. Would you say to them, “hey get up and snap out of it, you’re just having a bad day”? Or[…]
“Mental Health in Teens and Young Adults”
“I took out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote on that piece of paper 1 word of all the things that filled me up and made me feel happy inside.”
Helping someone who is suicidal in thoughts…
A long time ago my mother told me that “I can’t wear other people emotions, paths, & purposes on my sleeves”.
Beginning to end… (Depersonalization phase for me)
“Depersonalization Logical Sequence” 1. “Stress, Breathing Exercises, Life”(I never really know where it started) 2. Stress developed into panic attacks 3. Panic attacks developed into extreme breathing issues(hyperventillation and asthma) 4. Extreme breathing issues developed[…]
Thankful for my soul! (Depersonalization-Derealization)
(One foot in heaven, One foot on earth) Psalm: 116 “Soul Restoration” “The soul is something different. It really doesn’t have much to do with the casing that surrounds the bones and flesh of the[…]