“Winter say’s “no worries, I understand the afflictions and crucibles of life”. Spring says, “everything that was killed and died outside and inside of you will be given life that springs from water of purity”.[…]
Tag: anxiety
“I’d like to order just a hug please”…
Let’s say you saw someone laying in a bed and they were in a coma. Would you say to them, “hey get up and snap out of it, you’re just having a bad day”? Or[…]
ElReco Ramon quotes…
“It’s not the feather that allows the bird to fly nor the wing. There’s something greater manifested in this space”.
Depersonalization said, “Hello”…
“Those moments when although you’ve accepted life the way it is and yet you always still ask that magical question, “what am I”?
“ElReco Ramon Canvas Abstract”
My “Playground Of Love” piece…
Depression Statistics
Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depressive disorders are more common among persons with chronic conditions(obesity, cardiovascular desease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and cancer.[…]
The Inner Child – Depersonalization, Depression, and Anxiety
“wHen rAin wAs A sMiLe oN yOuR SKin, dIrt wAs a caStle, AnD tHe MinD wAS a pLAygROuNd”. fOlLow me!!!
Quick Tip – (Panic Attack, Dp, & Dr)
A quick tip is to be still for about a min, close your eyes & just breathe lightly. Then open your eyes & focus on something or someone. I usually even say something aloud to[…]
A moment’s balance…
Right foot in front of left, in front of right, in front of left and so on… I watched my feet move by themselves a piece at a time. At some point, I wasn’t in[…]
Beginning to end… (Depersonalization phase for me)
“Depersonalization Logical Sequence” 1. “Stress, Breathing Exercises, Life”(I never really know where it started) 2. Stress developed into panic attacks 3. Panic attacks developed into extreme breathing issues(hyperventillation and asthma) 4. Extreme breathing issues developed[…]