“wHen rAin wAs A sMiLe oN yOuR SKin, dIrt wAs a caStle, AnD tHe MinD wAS a pLAygROuNd”. fOlLow me!!!
1 Corinthians 13: 11 – “When I was a child, I spoke as a child”…
I was wondering who put nature’s bold restrictions on a human being? When did you come to a place in your life where being 1 with the rain and earth became a childish thing to do? “I put away childish things”…
The pictures I paint in life whether it be through expression of writing, photography, or throwing the joy in my body out in the rain has nothing to do with being childish. Who told you when you were young that loving the natural things around you were childish? I’m an adult with obligations and responsibilities. I “understand” as an adult and I “think” as an adult reflective of my maturity and life’s golden experiences. Laughing and enjoying the present tense moment of the wind, rain, or a flower doesn’t make me a child. Playing in the rain as a child also didn’t make me a child when I was younger. It made me happy! It might have made you happy also.
I write these things to say to you, that there is something hidden and treasured today about what God has placed serenely around us. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, and it’s lovely. Because of these beautiful and serene images of reality(flower, birds, rain, grass, etc…), when we were younger there wasn’t much we cared about. We didn’t stress, we paid no attention to life’s trials, and we danced with no rhyme or reason. We spoke to the organic love and nature that was around us and it spoke back. This my friends is just another way to get away from it all for today. Possibly, “no” a journey in the rain may not rid you of all your heartaches, mental conditions, and problems. But, for that moment you will be reminded of purpose, joy, love, and why you deserve to exist.
Smell a flower, touch a sidewalk, jump in the rain today or tomorrow and then share your playground with someone else who may need it. Share, share, share. Many times in life you don’t need Delta or a Snickers to get away. The vacation I take everyday is free of no charge and nobody is crowding my space. “So, just get away”!
P.S. – When I was at my lowest, my inner child was at it’s highest. God allowed me to use my child like nature to redefine my identity, my purpose in life, and a new avenue of self worth and respect. Life, the world, and the people around me are my monkey bars, slides, and swing set. “I swing to see another day”. ElReco Ramon – Ghost